You've just landed on my pages I put up for my probably slightly longer lasting motorcycle journey. They are
mainly meant for all those who know me to keep them informed about where I currently stroll around. I hope
I will be able to report more or less detailed about my journey on these pages and if you spend some minutes
on these pages they already have done their job.
I'm back!
Since end of november 2005 after more than 30 months and nearly 100.000km of travel
I'm back. At home I'm in Switzerland, but the world, that's out there...
CU somewhen, somewhere on the road!

What can you find on these pages?
The section News contains messages about my journey and these pages. There is a shorty to read about me
under Man. The vehicle I'm using to get around can be seen under Machine. Route shows where
I'm heading to. What there is to tell about it is in the Diary and under Photos you get the
pictures about it. If this kind of traveling starts to fascinate you, have a look at Informations. It
contains many hints about the planning of such a journey. I will be really pleased to see you putting an
entry in my Guestbook before you leave my site through the Links section containing many
references to other sites about motorcycle travel.
Is it up to date?
To find out when the last update of these pages happened, look for the last entries in either News,
Diary or Photos. How often I will update these pages depends on the one hand on my motivation
and on the other hand on the availability of internet access. Worldwide wireless internet access may be
technically possible these days but I decided to spend my financal resources in a more useful way. So it's
quite possible that these pages won't change for weeks if I'm currently traveling in countries where internet
access is not widely available.

Visitors since April 2003